walkStep Data Type

Represents one instruction in walking directions. Three examples from New York City:

Turn onto Broadway from W 57th St (coming from 7th Ave):
distance = 100 (say)
walkDirection = RIGHT
streetName = Broadway
everything else null/false

Now, turn from Broadway onto Central Park S via Columbus Circle
distance = 200 (say)
streetName = Central Park S
exit = 1 (first exit)
immediately everything else false

Instead, go through the circle to continue on Broadway
distance = 100 (say)
streetName = Broadway
exit = 3
stayOn = true
everything else false

name data type type namespace min/max occurs description
absoluteDirection absoluteDirection element 0/1 The absolute direction of this step.
alerts list of localizedAlert element 0/unbounded  
area boolean element 0/1 This step is on an open area, such as a plaza or train platform, and thus the directions should say something like "cross"
bogusName boolean element 0/1 The name of this street was generated by the system, so we should only display it once, and generally just display right/left directions
distance double element 1/1 The distance in meters that this step takes.
elevation list of p2 element 0/unbounded The elevation profile as a comma-separated list of x,y values. x is the distance from the start of the step, y is the elevation at this distance.
exit string element 0/1 When exiting a highway or traffic circle, the exit name/number.
lat double element 1/1 The latitude of start of the step
lon double element 1/1 The longitude of start of the step
relativeDirection relativeDirection element 0/1 The relative direction of this step.
stayOn boolean element 0/1 Indicates whether or not a street changes direction at an intersection.
streetName string element 0/1 The name of the street.

