The OpenTripPlanner multimodal journey planning system
The resources use a data model that is supported by a set of client-side libraries that are made available on the files and libraries page.
name | path | methods | description |
BikeRental |
ExternalGeocoderResource |
Maybe the internal geocoder resource should just chain to defined external geocoders? |
GraphInspectorTileResource |
Slippy map tile API for rendering various graph information for inspection/debugging purpose
(bike safety factor, connectivity...).
One can easily add a new layer by adding the following kind of code to a leaflet map:
var bikesafety = new L.TileLayer( 'http://localhost:8080/otp/routers/default/inspector/tile/bike-safety/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { maxZoom : 22 }); var map =; L.control.layers(null, { "Bike safety": bikesafety }).addTo(map);Tile rendering goes through TileRendererManager which select the appropriate renderer for the given layer. |
IndexAPI |
MunicoderServer |
PlannerResource |
This is the primary entry point for the trip planning web service. All parameters are passed in the query string. These parameters are defined as fields in the abstract RoutingResource superclass, which also has methods for building routing requests from query parameters. This allows multiple web services to have the same set of query parameters. In order for inheritance to work, the REST resources are request-scoped (constructed at each request) rather than singleton-scoped (a single instance existing for the lifetime of the OTP server). |
Routers |
This REST API endpoint returns some meta-info about a router. OTP2 does no longer support
remotely loading, reloading, and evicting graphs on a running server (Supported in OTP1).
The HTTP verbs are used as follows: GET - see the registered routerIds(there is just one: default) with the graph. The HTTP request URLs are of the form /otp/routers/{routerId}. The {routerId} is kept to be backward compatible, but the value is ignored. There is only one router, the "default" and that is returned - even if you specify something else. |
ServerInfo |
UpdaterStatusResource |
Report the status of the graph updaters via a web service. |
type | description |
ApiAbsoluteDirection | An absolute cardinal or intermediate direction. |
ApiAgency | |
ApiAlert | |
ApiFeedInfo | |
ApiItinerary | An Itinerary is one complete way of getting from the start location to the end location. |
ApiLeg | One leg of a trip -- that is, a temporally continuous piece of the journey that takes place on a particular vehicle (or on foot). |
ApiPatternDetail | |
ApiPatternShort | |
ApiPlace | A Place is where a journey starts or ends, or a transit stop along the way. |
ApiRealTimeState | The real-time state of a trip |
ApiRelativeDirection | Represents a turn direction, relative to the current heading. CIRCLE_CLOCKWISE and CIRCLE_CLOCKWISE are used to represent traffic circles. |
ApiRoute | |
ApiRouteShort | |
ApiRouterInfo | |
ApiRouterList | |
ApiStop | |
ApiStopShort | |
ApiStopTimesInPattern | |
ApiSystemNotice | A system notice is used to tag elements with system information.
One use-case is to run a routing search in debug-filter-mode and instead of removing itineraries from the result, the itineraries could be tagged instead. These notices are meant for system testers and developers and should not be used for end user notification or alerts. |
ApiTransfer | Represents a transfer from a stop |
ApiTrip | |
ApiTripPlan | A TripPlan is a set of ways to get from point A to point B at time T. |
ApiTripSearchMetadata | Meta-data about the trip search performed. |
ApiTripShort | |
ApiTripTimeShort | |
ApiVertexType | Represent type of vertex, used in Place aka from, to in API for easier client side localization |
ApiWalkStep | Represents one instruction in walking directions. Three examples from New York City:
Turn onto Broadway from W 57th St (coming from 7th Ave):
Now, turn from Broadway onto Central Park S via Columbus Circle
Instead, go through the circle to continue on Broadway |
BikeRentalStation | |
BikeRentalStationList | |
Coordinate | |
CoordinateArrayListSequence | An instance of CoordinateSequence that can be efficiently extended |
CoordinateSequence | |
CoordinateSequenceFactory | |
DebugOutput | Holds information to be included in the REST Response for debugging and profiling purposes. |
ElevationMetadata | Contains elevation-specific metadata to be included in the response Created by demory on 2/16/17. |
EncodedPolylineBean | A list of coordinates encoded as a string. See Encoded polyline algorithm format |
Envelope | |
Fare | Fare is a set of fares for different classes of users. |
FareComponent | FareComponent is a sequence of routes for a particular fare. |
FareType | |
FeedScopedId | |
GeocoderResult | |
GeocoderResults | |
Geometry | |
GeometryFactory | |
InspectorLayer | |
InspectorLayersList | |
MavenVersion | |
Message | The purpose of Messages is to read supply to underlying calling code... The ENUM's enumerated values should be named to reflect the property names inside of |
Money | Fare support is very, very preliminary. |
PackedCoordinateSequence | A CoordinateSequence implementation based on a packed arrays. In this implementation,
Coordinates returned by #toArray and #get are copies of the internal values. To change
the actual values, use the provided setters.
For efficiency, created Coordinate arrays are cached using a soft reference. The cache is cleared each time the coordinate sequence contents are modified through a setter method. 2009-11-25 - bdferris - This class copied from JTS (LGPL-licensed) to add Serializable to the class so that we can serialize it with our graphs |
PlannerError | This API response element represents an error in trip planning. |
Point | |
PrecisionModel | |
RealTimeState | The real-time state of a trip |
Serializable2DPackedCoordinateSequenceFactory | |
ServerInfo | |
TransitTimingOutput | Holds information to be included in the REST Response for debugging and profiling purposes of a single transit routing search. |
TravelOption | This class is used to send to client which Travel Options are possible on this server This options are used in client "Travel by" drop down. Each travel option consist of two variables: - value is a value which is sent to the server if this is chosen ("TRANSIT, WALK", "CAR", etc.) - name is a name with which client can nicely name this option even if specific value changes ("TRANSIT", "PARKRIDE", "TRANSIT_BICYCLE", etc.) Travel options are created from org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Graph transitModes variable and based if park & ride, bike & ride, bike sharing is supported. List itself is created in TravelOptionsMaker#makeOptions(HashSet, boolean, boolean, boolean) |
TripPlannerResponse | Represents a trip planner response, will be serialized into XML or JSON by Jersey |
TripTimeShort | |
Type | |
WrappedCurrency | A Bean wrapper class for java.util.Currency |